PermaLink Yahoo Just plain trying harder01/02/2006 09:10 AM
While google is slamming out one cool feature after another and bringing them to the masses Yahoo is quietly doing some pretty cool stuff too, I still like Google much better, but I think they could learn a bit from Yahoo too, Googles web application are polished and sweet, but, after seeing Yahoo's version (usually after google), I wish google had some of those features.

I recently did an authenticated search on yahoo and in my results set in addition to the "Block" link that I first saw on google, I also saw a "Save" link.

Google has had for some time the ability to go back into your search history and save a URL, but, its an extra step and somewhat combersome.

Now both of them need to DO something with the results. blew my mind at first sight, but the beta version at allows for multi destination routes and saved addresses. The yahoo beta allows me to pan and scroll like google does, but it requires flash (YUCK). Google added satelite and hybrid views, yahoo added Live traffic (rock on!)

Microsoft has been in this space too, they added the ability to build a url with a bunch of stuff on it like pushpins and save searches, cool features, but, I still like google. Meanwhile mapquest has apperently made a decision to take their awsome lead in this space and sink it to the bottom of the sea, through neglect.

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